
Cultural Competency Certificate – 1 day program

Module 1: Introduction to Cultural Competency

  • Cultural Competency - A Journey not a Destination
  • What is Cultural Competency?
  • Why Cultural Competency Matters
  • How Cultural Competency drives High Performance Teams
  • The Importance of Contextual Intelligence
  • Barriers to Cultural Competency (Unconscious Bias, Ethnocentrism, and Stereotypes)
  • Leveraging Cultural Competency to Drive Results
  • Impact of Cultural Incompetence

Module 2: Introduction to Cross-Cultural Differences

  • Cultural Relativism
  • Cross-Cultural Communications
  • Independent vs Interdependent Styles
  • Status based vs Egalitarian Relationships
  • Direct vs Indirect Communication
  • Risk vs Certainty in Working Styles
  • How we Build Trusted Relationships

Leadership in Cultural Competency Certificate (L3C): 2-day program

Module 1: Intro to Cultural Competency

  • Thinking through Cultural Competency
  • What is Cultural Competency?
  • The Platinum Rule
  • Leveraging Cultural Competency to Drive Results
  • The Wheel of Power and Privilege
  • Introspection, Self-Examination, and Personal Responsibility
  • Learning from Cross-Cultural Errors
  • Micro-Advantages and Micro-Inequities
  • The Importance of Allyship
  • The Value of Tempered Radicals

Module 2: Connecting with Your Cross-Cultural Team

  • Inclusive One to One Meetings
  • Conducting Culturally Inclusive Meetings
  • The Healthy Conflict Model
  • Practicing Vulnerability and Empathy

Module 3: Deep Dive on Cross-Cultural Models

  • Individualism and Collectivism
  • Understanding Power Distance
  • High and Low Context Cultures
  • How Individual Risk Tolerance affects Multi-Cultural Teams
  • How we Build High Performance Teams

Module 4: Tools for Success with your Cross-Cultural Team

  • Building trust across cultures
  • Relationship delicacy
  • Presentation styles
  • The "Do-Pause" model
  • Ten flavors of silence
  • Best practices for global English


The Center for Cultural Competency is designed for leaders who understand that their current and future employees, customers, contractors, and suppliers come from all different backgrounds and cultures. To effectively work together we must build trusted relationships with people who differ from ourselves. When we communicate with people who we do not understand we are at a higher risk for bias and misunderstandings, and to offend people. Our goal is to help you work more effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds through a learned set of skills and knowledge. This ability will help you interact more comfortably with people from different cultures. Cultural competence can be improved through training, education, and experience.

Why become more Culturally Competent?

  • Increases creativity in problem-solving through new perspectives, ideas, and strategies, propelling innovation
  • Increases respect and mutual understanding
  • Increases trust and cooperation
  • Increases psychological safety and overcome fear of mistakes, competition, or conflict.
  • Increases participation and involvement of other cultural groups
  • Promotes inclusion and equity
  • Decreases unwanted surprises that may slow progress.


  • Foster awareness and education on cultural competency
  • Increase knowledge about yourself
  • Increase knowledge and skill with people within your own team
  • Increase knowledge and skill to do business with people outside your team and across cultures around the globe.

Upon completion of this program participants will understand key concepts, such as:

  • Contextual Intelligence
  • Power and Privilege
  • Impact of Cultural Incompetence
  • Impacts of Ethnocentrism, Bias, and Stereotypes
  • Allyship
  • Individualism versus Collectivism
  • Power Distance
  • High Context and Low Context Cultures
  • Relationship Delicacy
  • Business Etiquette in Globally Dispersed Teams
  • The “Do-Pause” Model
  • Risk and Certainty
  • Task and Relationship
  • Cross-cultural communications
  • Building trust across cultures
  • Presentation styles
  • Ten flavors of silence
  • Best practices for global English